Sharing Is Caring… #SOSS

I have been remiss on writing up #SOSS posts lately.  With the changes to my day job, things got a little busy for awhile there. So without further ado…

SoSSHere are some great posts

“Comfort Girl” by Cara Thereon

Cara is one of my favorite writers.  Her work is always strong, vivid, and visceral.  This piece is no exception

“A Pain in the Neck” by Scandarella

Scandarella has a new interesting, and  sexy take on an old monster.

“P is for Polyamory” by Poly and Kinky

A short piece that I think defines polya and expresses much of what I love about the relationship style.

“Good For Disabled People” By Miss Eve E
I discovered Miss Eve E’s blog recently and I am looking forward to delving deeper.  As someone with a disability, I’m always looking for more accessible toys – and like Miss Eve E points out, disability and accessibility are not universal.



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